We are three friends in Colorado who are virtually training together to run a half marathon during the fall of 2011. Some of us are veteran half marathoners, and for some, this will be our first. We'll be using this blog to document our training and nutrition, our struggles, and to inspire each other and you!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Mileage/Time: 48min.

The campaign against injuries continues. I've been forcing myself to incorporate 3-4min. walking breaks in between 10-11min. segments of running. This despite how nerdy I feel: there's something embarrassing about being decked out in my running gear (complete with one of those slick, super-ventilated hats) and then just walking. Obviously this is my own personal hang-up; obviously there's nothing wrong with "just walking"; and obviously I'm probably too self-conscious. But regardless, I can't wait for the day when those walking breaks are eliminated and I can "just run."

I still need to sit down with a calendar and start planning out my training. With just this vague notion of increasing my endurance, I haven't exactly examined the logistics. Like, how long will it take me to up my mileage to 13.1? Are there really enough weeks from now til then to pull it off? And what can I do in between to keep up motivation? To the calendar I go... [update to follow].