We are three friends in Colorado who are virtually training together to run a half marathon during the fall of 2011. Some of us are veteran half marathoners, and for some, this will be our first. We'll be using this blog to document our training and nutrition, our struggles, and to inspire each other and you!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Thursday, June 23, 2011
Today's mileage: rest day, walk 2 miles

I have a really great, well thought out training calendar that takes me right up to race day on September 5th. I'm such a planner and organizer, that having this calendar at my fingertips at all times makes me feel more confident about this crazy undertaking. But...I'm also a really busy working mama with lots of hobbies and other extracurricular commitments. So, my mantra for life these days is FLEXIBILITY.

I was supposed to go the gym Monday morning, but I was too sleepy. So I ran that afternoon instead, getting my long run for the week in on Monday evening instead of Tuesday morning. I was supposed to get up do a short run this morning. But I drank beer and ate chocolate with my girlfriends until midnight last night and needed some sleep. So, I'll get up tomorrow morning and count today as a rest day. I'll walk two miles during lunch today to get my heart rate up a little bit. I've made a promise to myself to get my short, medium, and long runs in each week. But I'm recognizing that this is a busy, crazy time of year for me, and if I'm going to make it happen, I need to be flexible!