We are three friends in Colorado who are virtually training together to run a half marathon during the fall of 2011. Some of us are veteran half marathoners, and for some, this will be our first. We'll be using this blog to document our training and nutrition, our struggles, and to inspire each other and you!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hiking Counts

Capitol Peak 14,156 feet
Hiking Counts
Especially 14ers

Sunday, March 26th
5.5 miles (hiking)

I have a goal to climb all 55 14,000 foot peaks in Colorado. With that goal, you can imagine how much I am hiking and climbing every summer. The shortest 14er we have ever done took us about 2 hours and 15 minutes (Castle Peak) and the longest took us 18 hours (Capitol Peak).

When Jer and I hike, we don't go for a leisurely stroll, we get to the top and back as fast as we can (not compromising our knees of course). The elevation gain and speed builds endurance and strength and therefore is a key part of the training for my half marathon. We also have an unspoken rule that when the trail is flat, we run it. All in all, hiking/climbing compliments my runs perfectly.

On the calendar: Seven 14ers, a trip to the Tetons, and Four 13ers.