We are three friends in Colorado who are virtually training together to run a half marathon during the fall of 2011. Some of us are veteran half marathoners, and for some, this will be our first. We'll be using this blog to document our training and nutrition, our struggles, and to inspire each other and you!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Enter Sprints

Enter Sprints
My Faster Shoes

Friday, June 24th
10 - 50 yard sprints

Today I managed to break out sprints! And for the record, I don't know if they were 50 yards, I am just guessing. I can measure some other time.

Felt great and it is a nice change of pace (ha) from my runs. Combine this with a regular sit-up routine and I will have swimsuit abs in no time. Oh and by the way, I can probably count on my one hand the times I will be in that swimsuit, but none-the-less, it is a goal.