July 15, 2011
Today's Mileage: 8.5 miles
All this running and training seems to have given me a shot of courage.
I like to think that I'm a pretty tough chick, and I've had some experiences and adventures to back that statement up. But there is one thing in life that turns me into a complete and total wimp. Namely...snakes. You can read over here and here about the severe snake phobia I've lived with for most of my life, and the hard work and progress related to some therapy I'm doing to conquer this phobia.
Needless to say, I think about snakes for at least 50% of the time that I'm running outside...and sometimes much more than that. Really. Every stick I see in the distance and every rustle along the trail is a possible snake. But....! Last week, at mile 7, at my turnaround point for the last mile, when I was having to dig pretty deep to keep going...I saw the tiniest little snake stretched out across the path. I slowly jogged up to it...looked a little closer to make sure that's what it was...turned around...and continued my run. For those of you who know me...that's A BIG DEAL! Historically, I would have started sobbing, screaming, and had nightmares for at least a week after that experience.
I like to think that it's partly because of all the hard work I've been doing with my snake therapy, but I also think it's because I was 7 miles into a run and knew I wouldn't be able to get started again if I stopped at that point. I was simply too exhausted to have a complete and total meltdown over this tiny snake.
Also, part of being able to ignore my irrational snake fear while running, for whatever reason, is familiarity with the route. And, I've gotten familiar and comfortable with the Highline Canal trail, where I've been doing my weekly long runs. But it rained so, so hard yesterday afternoon that I was forced to skip my Thursday afternoon run along my familiar route. I really was left with just one option...run this morning, in Castle Rock, before work. The problem with Castle Rock is that there aren't that many places where you can run a long distance without the route including several serious uphills. Although those hills are great when I'm doing less mileage, for me to be able to complete 8+ miles, I need my route to be pretty flat. But there is one perfect route, the East Plum Creek Trail. Last night I was able to map a nice 8 mile run and plan a place to stash a sports drink halfway.
And then I had to think long and hard about actually doing this run. You see....2 years ago, I was walking along this trail, less than a quarter mile from the trailhead, with my new baby (in a stroller) and my good friend Rachel. And wouldn't you know it...we saw a snake. Not a huge snake, but not a tiny snake either. And I completely abandoned the stroller (and Rachel) and ran all the way back to my car crying and screaming. And I hadn't been back to that trail until this morning! (let's not talk too much about the fact that I left my new baby to fend for herself....well, she was with Rachel, so she was fine...but still, I'm not totally impressed with my mothering skills in that moment).
Anyway, I was so "scarred" by that experience that I have been missing out on the beauty of this trail for two full years. This is such a great resource for my community! It meanders along the creek the entire way, there are no street crossings, and it's got the mileage available for me to do these long runs, close to home. What a find! The full moon was shining above when I started the run and I loved watching the sun rise, listening to the birds, and seeing a beautiful deer with a full rack!
I'm not sure how long I would have continued to avoid this little treasure right in my neighborhood if I didn't need to get these miles in this morning..and for that I'm very thankful. And feeling pretty courageous!