We are three friends in Colorado who are virtually training together to run a half marathon during the fall of 2011. Some of us are veteran half marathoners, and for some, this will be our first. We'll be using this blog to document our training and nutrition, our struggles, and to inspire each other and you!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

48.4 Miles - A great vacation

A picture from our 15 mile trek into Cascade Canyon
48.4 Miles

A great vacation

Sunday, July 10th
Adding up my vacation miles

I realized on my 11 day vacation that as of today, the half marathon Selena and I said we were going to do is in 41 days. As I shared this with Jeremy he said - "that is crazy" or something like that, I couldn't really hear him in front of me on our hike. 

What does he mean that's crazy? Oh, yes, because I haven't been running on vacation and it takes like 2 days to get out of running shape and like a week to get back into running shape (Don't quote me on that I made it up from my long-term memory) and to get marathon ready, you need 8 weeks. I was in a panic.
Okay, I thought, I could maybe crank it up a notch (or 10) and really knock this thing out. Then I remembered back to my first half marathon when I did that and I injured myself. Not a great idea. PLUS, with my 14er climbing schedule this summer and a new job, I can foresee some obstacles. 

I emailed Selena - "um have you actually signed up for the half marathon yet? If not, what about the one in October? Up for that one instead? I am afraid I may hurt myself if I push for August (lol)."

Within about an hour I got a refreshing email back saying that this may be more realistic and she will check that one out. WHEW! So we are looking at doing some adjusting and re-focusing - not giving up just changing our stride.

In the meantime, I decided to add up my milage of physical activity on my vacation.

1 night dancing to Widespread Panic = 3 miles
1 night dancing to Widespread Panic = 4 miles
1 night dancing to Widespread Panic = 5 miles (they played my favorite song + going to the country so I know I danced harder)
4 trips on my bike from the condo we were staying at into town = 8 miles
A walk around the independence day festival in Driggs, Idaho = 1 mile
A bike ride from our campground to our hike and back = 6 miles
A hike to Taggert Lake next to the Tetons = 6.4 miles
A trek into Cascade Canyon = 15 miles

Total milage = 48.4 miles in 11 days

Okay so maybe the dancing is a stretch but at least I was moving and grooving during my vacation! SO, I think it is time to re-evaluate our goal and make a solid game plan. Rachel is my hero with her super organizational powers and I am inspired by her. So here it goes...